A-shé Khandro wears one of the three gomtags which were handed down from Jomo Chhi’mèd Pema to Jomo Pema ’ö-Zér to Aro Lingma. These gomtags were made of Chinese cloud brocade in the three colours – representing the solar, lunar and central channels. She wears her hair loose in the Phodka Ling-ngé (phod ka ling nge – free flowing hair style) which was characteristic of almost all the yoginis of the Aro Gar. She wears conch yogini’s earrings – one of the traktung (khrag mThung – heruka) ornaments of the wrathful yidams. At her throat she wears a gZi stone – which in the Aro tradition is a symbol of the protective force of Za Rahula in relation to one’s practice.