Peaceful Ornaments

Peaceful Ornaments

Creating the Lineage shel rGyan

Ngak’chang Rinpoche comments:
Crystal is a symbol of the tsal energy – which is an aspect of manifestation within the sphere of Trülku (sPrul sKu). Dang, rolpa, and tsal (gDang, rol pa, and rTsal) are the three ways in which energy is self-displayed as the nature of realised manifestation. Dang is represented by a crystal sphere, rolpa by a mirror, and tsal by a faceted crystal. Of these three, the faceted crystal is the most tangible communication, and therefore the one most connected to thug-jé (thugs rJe), compassionate activity.

In 2007 the Scandinavian apprentices began a set of five-coloured jewel ornaments. A prototype crown has been created for both sets by an apprentice who is a Volvo engineer – based on his technical drawings for the fronts of ga’us (shrinebox).

A photographic and narrative record of the manufacture has been kept, so that it can be the more easily replicated by other sanghas or individual apprentices.