Wielding the Vajra

Wielding the Vajra

natural and uninhibited display of power

Ngak’chang Rinpoche comments:
Power is sometimes mistakenly seen in terms of ‘making things happen’ and ‘imposing one’s will over something or someone’. Natural power, however, is simply there—as it is—without need of demonstration. Self-existent power simply radiates, and this is shown perfectly in the way Nuden Dorje Dro’phang Lingpa Tröllö-tsal holds his vajra in the space of the sky. Someone once showed Chhi’mèd Rig’dzin Rinpoche a double crystal and asked whether it could be split without damaging either part. Chhi’mèd Rig’dzin Rinpoche looked at it for a moment and replied: ‘Yes.’ The questioner then went on to ask: ‘Could you do that, Rinpoche?’ Chhi’mèd Rig’dzin Rinpoche looked at the crystal a brief moment longer and answered: ‘Yes – but there is no need.’