Crystal Teng’ar

Crystal Teng’ar

shel teng

Khandro Déchen says of the crystal teng’ar:
The crystal teng’ars held by the Black Ögyen Chenrézigs yab-yum are a symbol of the thousand-armed Chenrézigs – as each teng’ar is composed of a hundred (one hundred and eleven) crystal decahedrons. The thousand facets of each teng’ar represent the arms of the thousand-armed Chenrézigs, and send a profusion of spectral patterns throughout the realms of dualistic delusion in order to liberate beings from their self-created suffering.

Ngak’chang Rinpoche comments:
The crystal teng’ar is also a symbol of the tsal energy – which is an aspect of manifestation within the sphere of Trülku (sPrul sKu). Dang, rolpa, and tsal (gDang, rol pa, and rTsal) are the three ways in which energy is self-displayed as the nature of realised manifestation. Dang is represented by a crystal sphere, rolpa by a mirror, and tsal by a faceted crystal. Of these three, the faceted crystal teng’ar is the most tangible communication, and therefore the one most connected to thug-jé (thugs rJe), compassionate activity.